Friday, May 28, 2010

A Project 4 Freedom Ressurection

Hi it sure has been awhile since I have been here. WOW! I am sure glad to be back. I would like get back in the saddle on this Project 4 Freedom. I have some Fresh idea's and need to get the core group back up and running. Sort of dust off the ole' computer and get our hands dirty again.

I am thinking of an entirely different approach to the concept for AP4F-2, Like trying to actually complete the process of a "Project Group" building a product or campaign, before we launch the site to the public.

I would like to add some more talent to the Core team, as this project needs an whole new team perspective. I know that I dropped the ball with the IGroops site, and trying to do too much all at once, and I take full responsibility for the outcome. After all any project is only as good as it's leadership. So to those who where involved I am sorry for that. I can only promise that it will not be the same this time around.
It has been almost 2 years since we started A Project 4 Freedom, blooming from just a idea.

We started with a simple Forum to discuss the project and have a place the Core group could meet and get to know each other. The concept was the Core needed to be committed to the project and not just along for a free ride. Well I must say that the team that developed was Totally committed, and I thank them for there effort.

Join The Forum Here

So it is time to rebuild with a new team perspective and a fresh start! So if you would like more info or want to just see what this is all about come join us at the A Project 4 Freedom Forum!

or you can e-mail me at